Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Playing Dress Up Games for 2009

In 2009, I firmly believe that every girl should make dress up games one of her New Years Resolutions. I’m not picky enough to state whether the games are online or off, but there isn’t a single girl who wouldn’t benefit from a few rounds of dress up games once a week.

Dress Up Games Keep Things Light
When you dig in your closet or help dress up a model on the computer screen, you can’t be taking life too seriously. You should be enjoying yourself and this is a good way to do it, so dress up yourself or a doll and lighten up!

Dress Up Games Keep Fashion Fun
Fashion should be fun, but sometimes it seems more like a lot of work as you try to look good. Keep it simple and fun by practicing the kinds of outfits you like online or with the clothes already hanging in your closet.

Dress Up Games Teach New Tricks
When you play dress up games, you stand to learn something new every time. You might learn how to pair up certain items or you might learn about a new combination that is hot in fashion magazines ands stores. Always look for the lessons you and your wardrobe can benefit from.

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