Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dress Up Games and Winter Weight

Some of us gain weight every winter like clockwork. The rich food comes out and the yummy baking starts in earnest. Put the baking and cool weather together and you have too many calories, dark nights and a perfect chance to settle in without an adequate amount of exercise to burn it all off again. Unfortunately, this translates nicely to an extra five or ten pounds to carry around during the winter months. Fortunately, the winter months are great at providing the perfect wardrobe to help hide those pounds.

This year though I’d offer a challenge. Use the layers and bulky clothing as an opportunity to actually lose some weight. You’ll need to get outside and burn off some calories and you might have to eat a bit less of the yummy pies and cookies, but really this is the best time to lose weight. There’s almost no pressure and your body won’t be up for public scrutiny. At the end of the winter months, you can don your first sun dress or pair of shorts on a new, slimmer body and surprise all of your friends – isn’t that worth the extra piece of pie? I thought so.

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