Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Everyone Should Play Dress Up Games

I think everyone should play dress up game and here’s why:

Walk a Mile in Her Designer Pumps
If we all took the time to look at how others dress and think about why they make the choices they do, we might have a greater understanding of their look and style. It goes back to the old saying, walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. If you don’t try the shoes on, you’ll never know how it feels to walk in them.

Choice is an Option
Too often we get situated in a clothing style that never varies and never gives us a whole lot of variety. After all, if you’re known as the “punk” girl, you can’t suddenly become the “prep” girl without someone noticing and likely making comments. But playing dress up games gives you a choice of styles. Try out what works for you and if you love it, wear it. If you hate it – don’t. Don’t worry so much about what category the clothing falls into.

It’s Just Clothes
Finally, we should take everything back to the basics. After all, everything you’re putting on in the morning is clothing. – simple items made from cloth and thread. Playing dress up games reminds of us of how powerful and different a single piece of clothing can be.

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