Friday, July 9, 2010

Dress Up Games and Weight

Too often we let weight stop us from really enjoying ourselves with dress up games. It’s a shame really that so many people in the world seem to be dieting all the time and waiting to enjoy themselves when they reach some magical number on the scale. It would be far better to let the scale dictate your health alone as you try to reach a healthier weight for your body, but in the meantime, don’t let you personal style suffer as you lose a few pounds.

Even if you’re dropping sizes like rocks, you can still play dress up games. In fact, you’ll have more opportunities to play dress up games than the rest of us. When you shop, look for standard outfits that are interchangeable with other outfits. For example, a new pair of black pants and coordinating top can be swapped out with the black skirt and button-down shirt. When your look is all pulled together, you’ll have a closet with enough clothes to have fun and look great in without a huge investment since, hopefully, you’ll be out in the stores again soon for the next size down.

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