Monday, October 15, 2012

Dress Up Games and Long Hair

There comes a time for those of us who love dress up games to figure out what to do with our long hair. Every girl with long hair has gone through this phase – this is when you start asking questions like, “What would I look like with short hair?” and you decide that having shorter hair would be so much easier to control on a daily basis and style. But for those of us who love dress up games, having all of that long hair is actually something special – there are so many things you can do with it.

That’s not to say, however, that long hair can’t get on your nerves sometimes. It requires styling, of course, and long hair is often very heavy hair. If your hair is heavy, it’s hard to pull it up into a high ponytail or even a twist since the hair actually will break and pull. It’s best to wear it down, but that gets hot and sticky at times. Perhaps what we need to do when we reach this point is dedicate a few dress up games to simply figuring out what we should do with our long hair!

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