Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Failing at Dress Up Games

I’m a dress up games failure. I have a closet full of clothing and I wear almost none of them. It’s all my fault, and I’ll willingly take the blame for the lack of proper attire. The trouble is that the clothing I have isn’t the sort of thing I’d normally just grab to throw on. That’s reserved for jeans and t-shirts. Instead I need to dig around in the clothing options I have available and then find the right styles to suit the purpose I want. If I want to wear something nice, I don’t have an option readily in mind – I have to put it together.

However, in addition to lacking the attention to details required to have a great wardrobe, I’m also short on time in a big way. I can’t find the time to put everything together for a look. Right now my closet is a huge mess. I need to get in there and figure out something to do in order to get it organized. I have a tone of clothing that I need to get rid of the next time I play the dress up games, but I can’t seem to do it. I think though, that having written about my dress up games failure, I’m going to recommit time to take care of it sooner rather than later.

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