Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dress Up Games and Parties

Dress up games are a staple at girl’s parties with good reason. The games are fun to play and easy to set up, especially if you warn everyone ahead of time. To play the dress up games, you’ll want to let everyone know that you’ll be doing some fashion shows at a sleepover party. Invite them to bring a bag of their favorite or wildest clothing items as part of the show. Include make up kits as well.

Once everyone has arrived, get comfortable in the family room or your room and start going through the bags to put together new outfits and to see what really looks good on people. The best parts about these games is mixing and matching clothing from different styles and closets to make entirely new looks. Once outfits are selected, let everyone do make up on each other and style hair appropriately. Finally do the fashion show and film it. Watch the film with popcorn and let everyone have a good laugh at the final production.  

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