Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Three Ways to Love Dress Up Games

Love dress up games? Don’t feel like the only way you can play is online! You have plenty of other options available.

Pull out your old fashion dolls. Barbie and the Bratz need time to play, too. Dig in your closet to find your Barbie dolls and their clothing. You’ll be surprised at how much fun it is to dig through and start dressing up Barbie again.

Make paperdolls from a paperdoll book or from a magazine. Cut them out and use the folded tabs to keep the clothing in place while you play with them in as many different scenarios as possible. You can even make your own by drawing or tracing a base doll and then creating her own clothing using your imagination.

Dress up yourself. Head to the mall or just your closet and have fun putting various outfits together. Take pictures and try on things you normally wouldn’t wear just to see how it feels in a new style. You never know – you might find something you really like!

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