Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Top Dress Up Games

If you’re always looking for new dress up games to play, it’s likely you’ve already discovered how much fun the top dress up games can be. But if you’re still searching for what’ hot in dress up games, there are always a few good games you can count on:

Celebrity Dress Up Games
If you love dress up games, it’s likely you also love celebrities. Playing dress up games with celebrities as your base is twice as much fun as the standard variety. For one, you get to see all of your favorite fashions for that particular individual. For two, you get to pick and choose what she wears and when.

Rock and Roll Dress Up Games
Nobody has wilder clothing than rock stars. Many have even opened their own clothing lines to let others in on their rock style secrets. Playing with rock and roll dress up games online lets you see the stars you listen to while playing around with punk or rockabilly style.

Fantasy Dress Up Games
You’ve likely played dress up games where you get to put clothes on a doll that could be you. But have you had the chance to stretch your imagination enough to play fantasy dress up games? You can dress up mermaids, fairies and pixies just as easily as you can Barbie and Bratz dolls.

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