Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dress Up Games and Summer

I go back and forth with myself about playing dress up games in the summer months. For one it’s often too hot to really be pulling clothes in and out of my closet, but at the same time, this is when I have the most time to actually work with my wardrobe to come up with a new look. During the summer months, I can play dress up games in my room all day long without any interruptions or complaints. It’s hard to find that much time during the school year with our many obligations.

Unfortunately, about the time you’re really getting into your dress up games, the heat catches up with you and you realize that you’d much rather just take a nap or go to the pool rather than work up a bit of perspiration by pulling on jeans and other clothes that tend to make you hot. If you do play dress up games during the summer, you can enjoy them in peace and quiet. Perhaps you should save the dress up games for the end of the summer months just before school starts again. Then you can use the dress up games as a great way to find new looks for the school year and to find holes in your wardrobe.


Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Very nice You want to play online games for free

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