Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dress Up Games and Your Mental Health

It’s funny how great you can feel playing dress up games. I think our four-year-old selves were on to something. We started with dress up in preschool and for some of us, the joy of playing princess simply faded into time. Now, however, we can bring back that joy simply by taking on some new dress up games. When you play dress up games, you’re opening up yourself to find new styles and to take on a new personality with every outfit you pull on.

For example, if you’ve developed a steady diet of jeans and sweatshirts, it might be time to shake things up a bit. Why not step out of jeans into some tailored pants? You can pull a real look together easily just by pairing up different items you already have. Learn what’s in your closet already through dress up games and then take yourself to the stores. Look for entire new outfits, preferably ones you can work with to change and recreate looks until it all works together. The end result you’re looking for is a style you’re comfortable in that looks great, too.

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