Saturday, May 31, 2008

Change Outfits, Change Yourself

Have you ever thought about trying on something besides a new outfit? When you pull on a new outfit or try out any kind of dress up game, you could be doing more than being fashionable, you might just be pulling together a new version of you.

Not that anything is wrong with the old you, but sometimes we all like a change, and dress up games are a perfect way to experiment. Dig in your closet or head to your favorite clothing stores to try out outfits that suit your mood on a given day. Don’t be afraid to experiment with colors and patterns, and be creative. There’s not a rule saying you can’t create a completely new look.

If you like the way you look on a daily basis, nobody can make you change, but you might also consider playing dress up games just to be sure there isn’t a more flattering look out there for you that you just don’t know about yet. Styles change and people change – be sure you and your clothing are always a good mix.

Do the clothes make the girl? Certainly not! But the right outfit can make you feel great. When you know you look good you feel confident, proud and ready to take on the world. And if all it takes is a great pair of jeans to feel inspired – imagine what a great top can do!

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