Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dress Up Games for the Theater

I love going to the theater. I think it’s wonderful to get dressed up and walk through the halls of the biggest theaters in a city. The hush of the hallways, the lushness of the carpet, the lights, the grandeur and the romance of it all appeal to me. The dress up games of the theater are my favorite part, however. There just aren’t that many opportunities to get dressed up and the theater provides a very nice one.

While you can play dress up games to go to the theater at any time, if you really want to have fun, plan on getting dress up to go to the theater in the evening. Attend a Saturday night show of a Broadway production and you’d best be dressed for the occasion. The crowd will be dressed in suits and gowns. Cocktail dresses or even long gowns will crowd the theater as people enjoy playing dress up games for such a fun event. Settle into your seat and enjoy the grandeur of the experience properly.

If you can, you should include hair and make up in your dress up games for the theater.

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